Category Archives: General Concept

God’s Particle Higgs boson “WORDS”

Imagine that even 99.999999999% does not guarantee certainty. If the world of science with today’s technology can’t be certain of their own discoveries or words, then this opens the door to say ‘there most be a supreme entity waiting to be unveiled.’ Or at least one word(world) superior to us.

Over the last few months you may have noticed the phrase “Higgs-like,” rather than “Higgs-boson.” This is because CERN and the scientific community can’t be certain that they’ve actually found the Higgs-boson.

Quantum Theology

Have you consider yourself as the “Proton Collider?”

It has taken 13.7 billion years for us to have this conversation. The subject least talked about is the one doing the observing. Consider yourself as a possibility of 99.9999999% as being the answer. Follow the link and read what cern is saying. Cern. Listen to this old video.

Apocalypse of America Unveiling the Constitution Of USA

Know thyself

I am angelofquantum – angel of quantum calling with a loud thunder or vibration

Awake, wake up, Awake, wake up USA

Apocalypse of America

the unveiling the USA and the world

Revealed the true America. We are The United States of America its Constitution.The set of fundamentals principles and Ideas we the people choose to adhere to. Established precedents we acknowledge to be governed. The government is to represent the constitution in balance and with integrity courtesy and humility. To know thyself to achieve representation with great ethics, values morals and justice. In order to bring forth Life, Liberty and the pursue of happiness.

The search for self and to know thyself is the secret of the universe. To be a free thinking experience life in this physical plane.

Awaken!! The Next Generation

Awake America it is time to reveal your self. We can form a perfect union.Spirit, Mind  and Body. What we need it is the desire to become one nation. We posted in the one dollar bill in God We trust. Which God? Is time to avoid darkness and ignorance and move to the light of understanding. Who are we as a people? We are the UNITED STATE OF AMERICA.


Quantum Theology explains that man (male and female) is a commanding being. Distresses, agony, disappointment, or sickness that exists in us is the result of lack of knowledge, but only because we have not yet understood the reason why we are here. That reason, quite simply,  who are we and how can we become what was intended for us to be? SONs of GOD

Quantum Theology is a discrete, indivisible manifestation of a spiritual truth into a physical possession, such a force, in becoming the SONS Of GOD. The Knowledge of PHYSICAL MATTER and the SPIRIT and THEIR INTERACTIONS.


End Of The World December 21, 2012 Doomsday

Doomsday 12.21.2012, End of the world. It is very interesting FOX NEWS Countdown to doomsday 12.21.2012. They are offering another thought. The thought of Quantum Theology is the argument of the truth The power of the human being,who are we, the history of the development of the mind, the secret that it holds.The purpose of the energy call LIFE,LIGHT,SPIRITDoomsday, End of the world December 21,2012

Life is the energy that sustain the mind. Man became a living soul, means the mind have the ability to communicate with the physical world, The world has its own support energy system but man is the creative side to dress it and keep it. Listen now to part 2 of the end of the world 12.21.2012, doomsday

The Lord God, The Supreme Court and the Obama Care “End of the World the way we know it”


The Lord God, The Supreme Court and the Obama Care “End of the World the way we know it”

June 28, 2012 at 10:00 am I was getting ready for my tv program Imaginations vs Reality On MCTV Midland MI Suddenly I hear the Supreme court upheld Obama Care as a tax.

Quantum Theology the argument of the truth looks for the facts and accurate information about any subject that will affect the consciousness of the world. The Obama care was a legislation put together by one side of politics and is dangerous, it breaks unity. If you are 50 years old or younger let me asked you how many people were insured in the 1960 or before?

Continue reading The Lord God, The Supreme Court and the Obama Care “End of the World the way we know it”

The Kingdom of God is Here and Now

The Kingdom of God is Here and Now.

1,979 years has passed since it was first mention, The only hope for the WORLD TODAY

Luke 17:20 (KJV)

The kingdom of God cometh not with an observation (1, 2, Greek definition)  21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

  1. 3906.  par-at-ay-reh´-o; from 3844 and 5083; to inspect alongside, i.e. note insidiously or scrupulously:— observe, watch.
  2. 3907.  par-at-ay´-ray-sis; from 3906; inspection, i.e. ocular evidence:— observation.

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