What are the fundamental teachings of Quantum Theology?
The fundamental teachings of Quantum Theology are royalty of happiness, authority, and time without end. Quantum Theology teaches that in order for us to obtain the glory for which we were fashioned, we must first arise in passion and dedication to the truth. We receive this enlightment by applying our new knowledge to our spiritual vocation — the method of deeply changing our consciousness. By analyzing and recognizing the cause of our behavior in our own thoughts and true self, Quantum Theology challenges us to change our self and change the world. The sensible truth and spiritual teachings of Repentance (change of mind) are available to everybody for individual change and conversion. This is the foundation of everything we do.
Quantum Theology teaches that man (male and female) is a powerful being. Troubles, pain, dissatisfaction, or disorder that exists in us is the result of lack of knowledge, but only because we have not yet understood the reason we are here. That reason, quite simply, is who are we and how can we become what was intended for us to be of God.
Each day, we must be aware of renovation — meaning constantly doing what is right in our daily lives. Through living by the golden rule and loving your neighbor as yourself, we strive to understand the Ineffable being. JESUS IS THE ANSWER, (LOVE IS THE ANSWER AND FORGIVENESS THE KEY)